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Dogs + Parasites

  • Hepatozoonosis in dogs is caused by ingestion of one of two organisms: H. americanum and H. canis. Both parasites are more common in the southern United States. The clinical sign and treatments for dogs with hepatozoonosis differ depending on the parasite species causing the infection. In either case, with appropriate treatment, the prognosis is generally good.

  • Hookworm is a parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. Their name is derived from the hook-like mouthparts they use to anchor themselves to the lining of the intestinal wall. How the infection is spread along with clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention are covered in this handout.

  • Canine hot spots are red, inflamed skin lesions that appear quickly, ooze, and may contain pus. They are the result of a dog excessively scratching, licking, or chewing at an itch. There are several possible underlying causes of the itch and it is crucial to determine what it is to successfully treat the problem. This handout explains these possible causes and the treatment(s) required to resolve them.

  • Imidocarb dipropionate is an injectable medication that is administered by a veterinarian to treat babesiosis in dogs. It is also used off-label to treat other protozoal infections in dogs, cats, and horses. Most common side effects include mild drooling, tearing, vomiting, or nasal drip. Do not use in pets with exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting drugs, pesticides, or chemicals. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • This handout outlines internal parasites in dogs. Included are parasites of the gastrointestinal tract (roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms), as well as parasites of the circulatory system (heartworm). How each of these parasites can affect your dog and what you can do to prevent or treat infection are all explained.

  • Ivermectin + pyrantel is a heartworm disease preventive that treats and controls hookworms and roundworms in dogs. Ivermectin + pyrantel is given by mouth as a flavored chew tablet. At prescribed doses, ivermectin + pyrantel is well-tolerated. Some dog breeds (e.g., collies, sheepdogs, and collie- or sheepdog-cross breeds) are more sensitive to ivermectin than others; your veterinarian will advise you on the safety of using this medication in your dog. If you suspect an overdose or an adverse reaction to the medication, call your veterinary office immediately.

  • Ivermectin + pyrantel + praziquantel is a combination of anti-parasitic medications used to prevent heartworms and control roundworm, hookworm, and tapeworm in dogs. It is given by mouth as a flavored chew tablet. At prescribed doses, this product is generally well-tolerated but some dogs may experience decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, or burping. Certain drugs may interact with those in this combination product; it is extremely important to let your veterinarian know about any medications or supplements that your pet is taking. If your dog has an adverse reaction to this product, call your veterinary office immediately.

  • Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a protozoan parasite transmitted by sandflies and is most commonly seen in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and South and Central America. It has been reported in some parts of the United States. Clinical signs include hard skin nodules, weakness, decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and more. Diagnosis is based on travel history, clinical signs, and diagnostic testing. The goal of treatment is to resolve clinical signs. Prognosis is guarded to grave depending on the severity of the disease.

  • Liver fluke (Heterobilharzia americana) is a parasitic worm that affects dogs in the southern Atlantic and Gulf states and causes a disease called schistosomiasis. The fluke’s lifecycle is complex and involves a freshwater snail. Dogs can become infected by swimming or wading in water that has the larval stages of the fluke. The flukes cause granulomas (inflammatory nodules) to form in the liver, intestines, and other abdominal organs. Symptoms of gastrointestinal and liver disease may be present.

  • Lotilaner + moxidectin + praziquantel + pyrantel (brand name Credelio Quattro®) is a combination antiparasitic used to protect against ticks, fleas, heartworm disease, roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms in dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older and weighing at least 3.3 lb (1.5 kg). It comes in a chewable tablet to be given monthly. Its use is currently only approved for dogs.